IF Shah Rukh Khan’s portrayal of an old man in the movie Veer Zaara left you wanting for more, then here’s something to look out for. In an upcoming ad for Dish TV, SRK has plays a 75-year old man who romances his wife behind closed doors by dancing with her. Anurag Basu, of Kites fame, who’s directed this ad says, “The story is very cute. Tanvi Azmi plays Shah Rukh’s wife. They’re hiding inside their room and are dancing.”
Anurag, together with adman Prasoon Joshi, the brain behind the concept, planned the look and the ad. “We didn’t know if SRK would agree to the idea. I didn’t want to make him Veer Zaara old. It had to be different. So, pehle Shah Rukh ko buddha banaya humne pictures mein, and then showed it to him. He was very sporting and loved the idea,” says Anurag.
While his contemporaries are playing college students in movies, isn’t it a leap of faith for SRK to add 30 years to his real age? Prasoon says, “He liked the script a lot. He probably never got a script like that before. His first reaction was, ‘Well, I love it!’ He probably trusted my work. He didn’t take time to say yes.” Prasoon adds, “Everybody has been going ‘wow’ over the ad. SRK has emoted really well. There is beautiful chemistry between him and Tanvi Azmi.”
The bald look in the ad, says Shah Rukh, was something he was excited about since he’s very sure that he’d never lose hair in real life! When asked how his wife, Gauri Khan, reacted to the way he looked, Anurag responded, “Shah Rukh called his make-up guy and gave him the brief for how to do his look. After the whole get-up was done, he did something very cute. He took a picture of himself and sent it to Gauri on the phone, asking, ‘Will you still love me when I am old and look like this?’ I am sure he will look much more handsome when he is old!”